Thursday, October 18, 2007

Historic Morelia

Leaving the picturesque, colonial town of Guanajuato, I was off to the similarly picturesque, colonial, yet in a completely different way, town of Morelia. By now, these four hour bus rides are nothing to me, and I have fallen into a rather nice routine of staying...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Guadalajara, Chivas and Cooler Weather

Guadalajara, said to be one of the most Mexican of all cities and the second largest in size, home of the mariachi, tequila, bullfights and such things, was my next stop, but not before an impressive bus ride from Puerto Vallarta (or Valeta, as it is pronounced...

Puerto Vallarta and the Attack of the Gringos

Despite knowing that Puerto Vallarta would most likely be inundated with tourists, the natural setting of the place still sounded appealing, and it was on my way, so I figured a few days in the place couldn't hurt. I took a few buses from Mexcaltitรกn, and I arrived...

Mexcaltitรกn, the Ancient City of the Aztecs?

Leaving behind the tranquil town of San Blas, I was inspired by a Mexican tourism poster for my next destination: Mexcaltitรกn. Said to be the original settlement of the Aztec empire, the possibly mythical city occupies the entirety of a small island within a muddy...

Monday, October 15, 2007

En El Muelle de San Blas

Solaaaaaa, solaaaaaa....Sorry, the title, On the Wharf of San Blas, and the first line are from this brilliant Mexican rock song by the super-group Manรก. If you haven't had the luxury of hearing this song, I highly recommend it, especially from the magical night...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

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