Our next few days of the journey took us to more extreme landscapes and open vistas. The Flaming Cliffs are an area rich in dinosaur fossils, though we didn't see any (dinosaurs or fossils). Before that, we also stopped at a massive canyon that is filled with ice for all but two months of the year. Of course, those two months are September and October, so we didn't see any ice either. Maybe the dinosaurs melted the ice with their fire-breathing.
(The group about to descend into the canyon of Yolyn Am. It literally means the vulture's mouth, but we didn't see any vultures either. This place is full of lies.)
(Eventually the canyon narrowed to some high rock walls and the tiny stream below.)
(But then it opened up again. Canyons tend to do that. Otherwise, they'd be a crevasse or something. Maybe just a hole.)
(Typically tracks leading into oblivion. Our driver did get lost one day, but after 20 minutes of driving in each direction, we found a hut and asked our way. Muha claims he was going in the right direction anyway but just wanted to check. Yeah right.)
(A camel and a ger? Now that's Mongolia.)
(The Flaming Cliffs...not so flaming during the day, but we saw them from a distance at sunset, and it was pretty accurate. I wasn't worried they were on fire or anything, but almost.)
(Noodles and mutton. This was actually our best meal. I liked it all, but the others started to complain. I was also one of the few that didn't get sick during the week, in spite of unpasteurized dairy products and some sketchy meat. I've been training for this my whole life.)
(Eating lunch in the kitchen, just a few feet away from another room covered in random cow and goat parts, drying and getting ready to be served.)
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