In addition to having an amazing trip scenically, we were also lucky to have a good group of people on our sailing of the Antarctic Dream. Heading down there, I was afraid it might be an older, more solitary group, but I think the fact that it was the end of the season meant more budget travellers looking for the last minute discounts, so we ended up with a great group of 8-10 backpackers in our late 20s-mid 40s or so (and one younger student from Germany with her mother). Tim, my Canadian roommate, dubbed us The Quitters, as many of us had decided to take a break from the corporate world and experience the sights of South America and Antarctica for a bit. On top of this core group, the other families, couples and groups on the trip were great. All in all, the trip was exceptional, and we really didn't want it to end.
Antarctica - Antarctic Dream Group
March 10-20, 2011
In addition to having an amazing trip scenically, we were also lucky to have a good group of people on our sailing of the Antarctic Dream. Heading down there, I was afraid it might be an older, more solitary group, but I think the fact that it was the end of the season meant more budget travellers looking for the last minute discounts, so we ended up with a great group of 8-10 backpackers in our late 20s-mid 40s or so (and one younger student from Germany with her mother). Tim, my Canadian roommate, dubbed us The Quitters, as many of us had decided to take a break from the corporate world and experience the sights of South America and Antarctica for a bit. On top of this core group, the other families, couples and groups on the trip were great. All in all, the trip was exceptional, and we really didn't want it to end.
(Taking advantage of some amazing weather, we had an experiment in camera timers and musical chairs with all of us setting our cameras on a table and running to any available chair. Tim (UK), Rob (Australia), Silke (Holland), Pallab (UK), Marc (Holland) and me.)
(A contrast in styles. Both Tim's penguin hat and our guide Rodrigo's glacier glasses made quite a statement.)
(In addition to our great day of sunny cruising, the crew treated us to a traditional Chilean barbecue of pork, beef and chicken. The food was good, and the scenery wasn't bad either.)
(Me (US), Cecilia (Italy) and Sebastian (Chile) enjoying the amazing day in Whilermina Bay.)
(Despite the omnipresent penguin watching Tim from above, he managed some incredible pictures that awed all of us on the boat.)
(Roommate Tim (Canada), Rob (Australia), Silke (Holland) and me. Just another bit of posing during our amazing day.)
(After the sun finally went down, we had a nice dinner and a celebration for Cecilia's birthday. This group is a mix of our typical table plus a funny table of Spanish speakers led by Don Pepe, a godfather type fellow in red near the left, and the great waiter, Manuel, on the bottom right.)
(Rob, Isabelle (Germany), Marc, me, Pallab and Sebastian taking a break from taking pictures to pose in another one.)
(The chefs made a special cake for Cecilia's birthday, and then when she went to take a bite out of it, they shoved her face into it, which is apparently a Chilean tradition. Or so they say when they do it to tourists...)
In addition to having an amazing trip scenically, we were also lucky to have a good group of people on our sailing of the Antarctic Dream. Heading down there, I was afraid it might be an older, more solitary group, but I think the fact that it was the end of the season meant more budget travellers looking for the last minute discounts, so we ended up with a great group of 8-10 backpackers in our late 20s-mid 40s or so (and one younger student from Germany with her mother). Tim, my Canadian roommate, dubbed us The Quitters, as many of us had decided to take a break from the corporate world and experience the sights of South America and Antarctica for a bit. On top of this core group, the other families, couples and groups on the trip were great. All in all, the trip was exceptional, and we really didn't want it to end.
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