Friday, August 29, 2008

I [Shamrock] New York City (Yes, I did buy that shirt)

(I stopped through New York City on the way back from Iceland for a five day introduction to the city. This is the Brooklyn Bridge and lower Manhattan, as seen from the Manhattan Bridge.)

(At the ferry dock under Brooklyn Bridge, trying to reassimilate with American culture by proudly displaying a symbol of Americana (imported by the Japanese.))

(Check out the Empire State Building on the left, dominating the other feeble skyscrapers of the city.)

(The Chrysler Building and hundreds of others from the observatory atop the Empire State Building.)

(Freeeedommmm. Statue of Liberty = William Wallace. Clever picture how it looks like I am not engulfed by camera-toting tourists. At this exact moment, I was not toting a camera, therefore I am not classified in that group.)

(A beautiful, crowded day at Central Park. There's nothing better than enjoying nature along with ten thousand of your closest friends. Paul, Delrene, Dave and Pete (Paul's aunt) met up with me for the day, so I tagged along for a tour of the city from the experts, followed by a professional soccer match in the evening.)

(An obligatory scene in Central Park.)

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Anonymous said...

I can't believe you bought a I *shamrock* NY shirt. Especially since I already have one. (I also got a neon yellow I *heart* NY).

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